Volunteers and Donations​

At Give Us A Break, we rely on the generosity and support of volunteers and donors to make our mission a reality. Whether through their time, skills, or financial contributions, each person who joins us in our cause plays a vital role in enriching the lives of children and young people with complex disabilities and their families.

Volunteer Opportunities

Our volunteers are the lifeblood of our organisation, bringing passion, dedication, and a wealth of talents to every aspect of our work. From assisting with activities and events to providing administrative support and fundraising efforts, there are numerous ways for individuals to get involved and make a difference. Whether you can spare a few hours a week or commit to a more regular schedule, we welcome volunteers of all backgrounds and skill sets to join our team.

Donate to Make a Difference

Your donations enable us to continue providing accessible activities, essential resources, and invaluable support to those who need it most. Every contribution, no matter how big or small, helps us expand our reach, enhance our programs, and create meaningful experiences for our members and their families. Whether you choose to make a one-time donation or become a recurring donor, your support makes a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve.

Get Involved Today

Ready to make a difference? Join our community of volunteers and donors today and become a part of something truly special. Together, we can create a more inclusive and supportive world for children and young people with complex disabilities and their families.